Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Feliz Dia De Casamento

Now we may have this wrong, but we thought Ayla once told us that Rob has some Portuguese in his background, so we decided to check into traditions from this country with regards to weddings.

Portuguese wedding ceremonies are very similar to American weddings. Two variations include: the officiant wrapping the wedded couple with his/her stole during the blessing (it symbolizes their unity, protection and faith); and confetti thrown at the newlyweds in the form of flowers or candy.

The reception has some unique traditions. Following the ceremony, the couple walks through the neighborhood streets where neighbors and strangers greet and give them well wishes. We'd compare this to walking around Disney's Magic Kingdom with "Just Married" buttons on as hundreds of staff and guests congratulate the couple. After the Portuguese walkabout, the couple then has a small dinner (Bacalhau - a wedding stew or plated dish of salted cod, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and olives) with family followed by cake and tea. As Portugal is renowned for their wines, there may be many toasts. The reception may also have dancing and singing. When the cake is cut, the couple take slices personally to their single friends as luck for them in love. Since the party can last all night long, oftentimes guests are served breakfast in the morning. A money dance - paying to dance with the bride - caps off the party. Sometimes the couple is pranked before leaving where their honeymoon luggage or their getaway car may disappear.

So that's the Portuguese way! Have fun picking and choosing what you may want to use! Feliz Dia De Casamento (Happy Wedding Day)!

Discussion: What are some Portuguese elements you would want to use for your wedding? How important are traditions to your wedding?

Prayer: Lord God, may these weddings and all their traditions keep the focus on You and inspire the guest to exalt your name. How beautiful are all your children of the earth. In Jesus, Amen.

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