Saturday, May 30, 2015

Lost In The Shuffle

I watched a movie Thursday that I never thought I'd watch a second time ... the 2008 film Sex In The City. Never a fan of the series, I have caught enough of it in passing to know who's who and have the gist of the show. But I had seen the movie years ago. I watched it again on TV for one scene ... the scene where Carrie is jilted at the altar. Not for that specific part, but because I love the way Kristin Davis as Charlotte protects Carrie from Big's attempt at an apology in the middle of the street. I think it is raw and emotional and well played. I could have just watched that part of the movie and turned it off, but I was rolling coins from our change jar into wrappers, so the movie was a good diversion during the mundane task. It was then I noticed something that I thought could be important to discuss here. Big left Carrie at the altar because he got lost in the wedding preparations. Now while there is no excuse for Big's actions, there is something to be said for the reason.

Planning for a wedding can be all encompassing and stressful. Girls want the pageantry, glitz and big ceremony. They want to be princess for the day, swept off their feet by their prince and to shout to the world, "We're married!" And there is so much to prepare from the dress, to the wedding party, to the ceremony, to the reception details. Couples can get so wrapped up in the planning of the celebration, they forget what the celebrating is all about.

This ceremony is about uniting before God. It is a worship service. While some will make it a civil service, the truth of the matter is that marriage was created by the Creator. So to promise "to have and to hold" is done before Him. The rest is fluff and tradition invented over the years. So while some of it may seem important, honestly it isn't.

So don't stress out over it. And don't lose yourselves and the love you have for each other in the midst of it. Have fun. Consult one another about what each of you wants to happen during this celebration and respect each other's ideas.

Big and Carrie in the movie reconcile, and even marry, repeating the mantra "Me and you, just us two." We'd like you to remember that it's not just the two of you. It's you and God. That's the most important part of all. Keep that first, give that day to Him, and the rest will be a beautiful celebration to His glory.

Discussion: Has the planning for the wedding become stressful at all? Do you sometimes lose what the ceremony is truly about? What can you do for each other to remember what this wedding is truly for?

Prayer: Father, we thank You for the gift of marriage and that You will bear witness to this greatest of decisions made by couples. Lord, we pray in the preparations of the day, these betrothed will not lose sight of You through it all. In Christ, Amen.

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