Saturday, May 2, 2015

Broken, Weathered and Well-Traveled

I love skeleton shells. At least that is what I call them. They are whelk or conch shells that are broken, weathered and well-traveled, where only a swirl might remain. And when people walk the shore, they are typically the shells people pass by. They aren't perfect, so nobody wants them. But I want them.I have a bunch of them sitting on the window sills outside in the back of my house. I love to look at them. Each one has a story. Each one is beautiful to me.

I wonder if that is what God thinks when He sees us? We are broken, weathered and well-traveled in this journey called life. Each one of us has a story. We are not perfect, but God still wants us. He thinks each one of us is beautiful, after all He created us.

It is important for you all to know how much you are loved just as you are. God looks at your beautiful faces, your life and wraps His arms around you in compassion and tenderness. He points to you and says to the angels, "Did you see my son Rob and what he did today? I am so proud of him. I love him so much. Have you seen Ayla? She's breathtakingly beautiful and will do so much for Me. Look at Anton! Such a handsome young man with a bright future ahead! Check out my daughter, Kayla! She is lovely and has such perseverance. I love these kids!"

When Ayla was growing up she had this Bible verse on her mirror, "You are beautiful, my love. There is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7. It's not a praise of perfection. It's an example of pure love. A love so deep that it sees complete beauty. And that is what God sees in us through the blessed gift of Jesus Christ.

Don't ever forget how much you are valued and loved just as you are.

Discussion: What do you think of broken shells? Do you understand your value in God? What about your story makes you precious, unique and special?

Prayer: Father, thank you for loving us just as we are with all our imperfections. You have made each of us unique, special and beautiful in your eyes. Thank you for reminding us of our worth in Jesus. Amen.

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