Sunday, May 10, 2015

Do Excellently

Today is Mother's Day, and I have been blessed to have gotten to spend time with both my children this past weekend between bridal showers and graduation ceremonies. I don't know if anyone understands, except another mother, how much joy we get from being with our children. When my kids are in the house, there is laughter, joy and gobs of fun times. I so enjoy when they are here.

I have commented often that I sure wish God would have included a note with each child as they are born that says, "This is mine. Please take care of this child for the next 18 years and teach him/her how to love me and how to teach others to love me. Then let them go to serve me." That might drive home the point to mommies and daddies everywhere that our time with our children is quite limited and to enjoy every moment of their growing up years. You don't want to waste or miss a second ... and it goes by soooo quickly. You don't think it does when you are up all night with a sick child or changing countless diapers, but trust me, it whizzes by.

I am grateful for my mother. She loves our God with a passion and wanted to make sure we all did as well. It is a foundation of child-like faith has had such an impact in my spiritual journey and prayer life. I can say with all honesty that her faith has absolutely made me, my husband and my children, not to mention the many others our lives have impacted, better. No doubt. I hope the youth I have taught and the people I have shared Christ with understand that part of their faith journey can be traced back to my mother.

You never know the impact you may be making on a person's life. And as parents - and followers of Christ - that impact is profound. I am praying both Ayla and Kayla will have the opportunity to be moms some day. Until then we can celebrate Thelma, Barbara, Irene, Marie, Laurie, Donna and all the grandmas and mamas out there who have given so much for their children. Proverbs 31:28-29 says "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband too, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'” While I pray both ladies will "surpass them all" as mamas, I pray all four of you will "do excellently." Keep the faith. Share the faith.

Discussion: Tell what kind of impact your mother had on your life. Tell about several other mentors that have shared or taught the love of Christ with you. How are you doing the same?

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for mothers. Thank you for both their successes and challenges as they raise their children. Help all mother's seek your guidance on how to raise their children in faith. And help us all to reach out in love to tell others about You. In Jesus, Amen.

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