Thursday, May 7, 2015

Shower Blessings

Tonight is Ayla's bridal shower and I am so excited. My sweet friends have decided to throw her a shower since Ayla will be in town for her brother's graduation. With Ayla's friends and family all over the US it's hard to get everyone together for such an event, but we are blessed in that both Gaga and GrandDonna are in town and Kayla is coming with her Mom, so we'll have family represented too! To have this opportunity to get together with my sweet friends and family to celebrate my daughter is bringing me great joy, and it's been fun to plan for it. I even got to create the invites for the shower, which was so fun.

Wedding showers aid new couples in beginning their life together. Starting a new home means needing things to fill it, and this was a way to help engaged couples begin the process. However, showers weren't originally created for that purpose but rather to provide the betrothed with money, supplies and food to hold a wedding. Showers got started in the late 1800s as a way to provide a bride with a dowry. Later they evolved to be more about providing the couple with items they needed for their home. Gifts were usually related to homemaking and cooking, but in recent years have included couples gifts, honeymoon attire or funds and handyman gifts. Couples usually preregister for gifts at various chair store locations to help guests know what needs the couple has and to avoid duplicate gifts (like the three ice buckets Daddy and I got. :) Sometimes silly games will be played at showers so guests can also win prizes to take home. It's a sweet way to love on an engaged couple as they prepare to start their lives together.

This is a sweet memory for me: my only daughter's bridal shower. I remember mine like yesterday. And being surrounded by precious faces, young and old, who were an influence in my life was truly a blessing and encouragement. Praising God that my friends here in sweet home Alabama are going to such precious lengths to make sure Ayla will have this special moment. It warms my heart. So ready to celebrate!

Discussion: What are your thoughts about showers? What do you think most helps an engaged couple prepare their home.

Prayer: Father, we thank you for the women who are planning Ayla's bridal shower, for all their work and generosity and pray for blessings on them. Thank you for this time of celebrating our bride. In Jesus name, Amen.

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