Thursday, May 14, 2015

Make A Memory

Today is Miss Kayla's 23rd birthday. We celebrated last night at Osaka (can I get a shout out for the Shaggy Dog?! Yum! Or should I say, Yum Yum!). She and Anton are celebrating today with a day at the zoo and the shooting range. I am thrilled that they are taking the time to make some memories on this day. I love making everyday a special memory, but especially celebratory occasions, like birthdays.

Daddy laughs at me for all the pictures I take but with my memory as bad as it is, having them as a memento of special occasions is necessary. And the more special occasions we celebrate the better! I'm not a YOLO (you only live once) person from a take risks standpoint, but I do believe in this short lifespan that it's important to make a bunch of memories and enjoy life to the fullest. We certainly did that last week between a bridal shower, graduation, race, baseball game and Mother's Day! I'm not sure we could have crammed in one more thing! But what wonderful memories we will have of that weekend!

So celebrate big. Go on adventures. Learn something new. Make a memory. We look forward to hearing about all the ways both couples embrace and find joy in this life.

Today is about Kayla Marie Lee completing another year on her life journey. And we thank God for her life and pray for many, many blessed years ahead! Have a wonderful celebration today and have fun making memories! Happy Birthday, Kayla!

Discussion: Do you like to make memories? How do you like to celebrate special occasions?

Prayer: Father, you give us 24 hours in each day. We pray we glorify You in them. We pray we enjoy Your beautiful world to the fullest and delight in the people you have had our lives intersect with. In Jesus name, Amen.

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