Friday, May 8, 2015

Future Filled With Hope

What a special day this is! Today our son is graduating from college! He has worked so hard during these last four years for his Sports Management degree and is ready to move into the next stage of his life. Most outstanding student in the Troy University Hospitality Sports and Tourism Management School, graduating with honors, 3.8 GPA, working two jobs as a Resident Assistant in the Honors Cottage and with Sports Media ... we are so proud of him. It is this dedication to working hard to achieve success that we admire in our children. And we are thankful that this ethic is something utilized in all areas of their lives ... as it should be.

We have talked a few times in this blog that we are each gifted with talents and required by our Father to use them for His glory. God expects us to go full throttle in this life to make the most of every moment, work hard, be faithful and a person of integrity and to be obedient to His Word. He has a plan for us and guides us on this path of life. And we fully expect our children and future son and daughter-in-love to do likewise simply because that is how they continue to live our their lives right now.

There is a wonderful song by the Sidewalk Prophets called The Words I Would Say which I  believe has the greatest graduate advice of any song I've heard ... and honestly the best advice for anyone who steps forward in faith The chorus says this: 
Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope.
You're gonna do great things, I already know
God's got his hand on you, so don't live life in fear
forgive and forget, but don't forget why you're here
Take your time and pray, These are the words I would say
One year prior to celebrating graduating high school seniors at Trinity UMC, I wrote a song called All Planned for the youth. It is based on Jeremiah 29:11, a verse often quoted in graduation greeting cards,which says, "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." The song lyrics say this:

New beginnings, untread paths; future goals that seem so vast
Excitement, courage, doubting, too. Unsure about His plan for you.
Several missteps, vacant dreams, struggling with our self-esteem
Unexpected trials and twists, unprepared for all of this
While dreams and plans may intersect, it’s still the Lord directing steps
And if we let the Spirit lead, our purpose will in Him succeed
We’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
Known before the earth’s foundations laid
It’s faith in Him who made us all in kind
He’s designed it all and planned with us in mind.

Trusting, waiting, hoping, praying

He knows the plans He has for you
They’re plans to grow and prosper you
You’ll have a future filled hope.
And when you call upon His name
Just pray and find Him once again
If you will seek with your whole heart
He’s had it all planned from the start 
These are the words we would say to not just our son, but to all four of you as you step forward in your life journey's together. Do great things and remember to Whom all the glory belongs! Congratulations, Anton. We praise God for you today and rejoice with you and celebrate who you are!

Discussion: What are you dreams for the future? What is the best advice you've been given about new adventures in life?

Prayer: Lord, all glory and honor belong to you. Father, we know our futures are in Your hands and You know the number of our days all all we will accomplish. We ask for Your guidance in directing our paths. Let your Spirit forever guide our steps. In Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

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