Sunday, May 3, 2015

Show Love

I love it when I see couples holding hands, kissing, hugging, walking arm in arm, gazing into one another's eyes and leaning into each other, especially if they are couples who have been together a long time. It shows the romance is still there. They still care about one another. They still delight in each other's company. They love their sweet soul mate and want them near by. It's a beautiful reminder of how precious this relationship called marriage is. And it's a wonderful encouragement for young couples just starting out to show that it never gets old, boring or indifferent. It grows sweeter every year.

We want you each to make an effort to show that kind of affection to one another. You probably do that all the time now anyways because you are young and newly in love. But when the worries and trials of life creep in and attempt to keep your focus off your God and your spouse, you might forget to show affection in small special ways (which, by the way, have big impact). So hold hands. Kiss hello and good-bye. Snuggle. If you are not into public displays of affection, be sure to show it privately. But understand that others are watching you. When the younger generation of newlyweds (or even your kids) come along, you want them to see what long-lasting love is like. People learn by observing and need to see how it's done. So don't ignore one another. Don't brush off one another. Don't be indifferent. Show love.

Discussion: How do you feel about public displays of affection? What do you think when you see older couples snuggling or holding hands? What do you love in the way of affection?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may we never forget how much we love each other in the very beginning and keep showing that love every day throughout our lives. We love You, Father, and see how much you love us by looking at what your have blessed us with. In Jesus name, Amen.

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