Monday, May 25, 2015

God Bless America

When I was a little girl, this long weekend was probably my most favorite time of the year. We went camping with all the cousins on my father's side of the family (and sometimes with a few from my mom's side, too) at one of several parks in Pennsylvania: Lauryl Mountain State Park, Pioneer Park or Fox Den Acres. We would swim, hike, play games and have campfires. I remember laughing so much on those weekends. We were there Friday to Monday then spent Tuesday at Kennywood amusement park for our school picnic. It was a pretty wonderful weekend year after year. To me, Memorial Weekend meant big fun. And for a lot of folks that is exactly what it's all about - with a little barbeque.

As an adult I can appreciate the long weekend like everyone else, but I have a greater sense of the sacredness of this holiday as well. It's a day set aside to remember the fallen on behalf of the free. And with my paternal grandfather, John H. Lauritzen, as one who gave everything for his country, it is all the more important to me. We live in the greatest country in the world thanks to him and the many, many men and women who died to protect our freedoms here. We are blessed indeed.

The Purple Heart
We don't ever want you to forget that. You get the honor of praying and worshiping as you like thanks to them. With so many Christians around the world under persecution in the countries like North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and so on, it is comforting to know we don't need to fear that. It came at a price. And we must never forget to protect those freedoms. Comfort can lead to complacency which can allow room for those who would desire to remove those freedoms.Know what it took to have what we cherish and strive to keep it that way.

We have no idea what the future will bring for this country during your lifetimes together. Cultural changes of late are taking what was once a country "under God" and stripping it of anything that resembles what He requires of us. And terrorist organizations inch ever closer to our shores. Be alert, as the evil one is prowling around seeking to destroy any evidence of the God even he believes in. We pray what the song lyrics say, "God bless America, my home sweet home." What a reunion it will be in Paradise when we can graciously say to the ones who loved and died for America, "Thank you!"

Discussion: What do you remember about Memorial Weekend growing up? Do you know someone who died while in service to our country? What does your freedom here mean to you?

Prayer: Lord God, we thank You for the freedoms we have here. We thank You for Your blessings on this country and pray for our leaders and servicemen men and women. Lord, I pray we always remember the sacrifice made for those freedoms. In Jesus we pray, Amen.

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