Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Doubly Blessed Day

June is the most popular month to get married. According to US Census statistics, 10.8 percent of marriages take place in June. Second place goes to August with 10.2 percent. But what day is most popular? Most wedding statistic websites say the most popular day of the week to get married is Saturday. However, we could find zero stats to back that up. But it seems it is the common notion, and we're sure pretty accurate. Lots of folks are off on a Saturday, so it makes it easier for the couple, bridal party and guests to attend. After that, Friday is the most popular day, then Sunday.

So keeping those day and dates in mind, when wedding vendors set their rates, Saturdays in June, you'll find, will be the most expensive time to marry. The rates go down for less popular months and days, thus a Friday wedding or January wedding when only 4.7 percent of weddings take place, will cost less.

But here's a little fact you may not have heard about ... the most popular day for ancient Jewish weddings was Tuesday. This came from a book my husband read by Dr. James W. Fleming, an archaeologist and creator of the Explorations in Antiquities Center in LaGrange, GA (a place everyone should visit to see replicas of places and things you read about in the Bible). According to Fleming, Jews picked Tuesday to marry because it was the only day of the week in the book of Genesis where God "saw that it was good" twice. On that third day, God created the dry land and vegetation ... both good. Every other day, God saw that it was good once. So the Jews believe Tuesday was doubly blessed, therefore the best day to wed. Obviously this day didn't catch on as much in modern times as the day of rest everyone celebrated on the Sabbath or Saturday.

Ayla and Rob are getting married in October (half way down on the list of most popular wedding months) on a Friday (the less expensive option), and by God's grace on our wedding anniversary, the 16th. Only 150 days to go! Anton and Kayla have set their date for Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016. Whatever day, month or date that is selected, when the vows are said it becomes a blessed and sacred day, one to be remembered and celebrated for your lifetime on this earth. And, we believe, one that God will doubly bless as "good."

Discussion: What factors most come into play when selecting a day, month or date for you to get married? How much work did it take to select your wedding date?

Prayer: Father, we thank you for pronouncing all your creation "good." We glorify You in it and celebrate You at the center of it as in the center of all marriages. Lord God, please bless the day and date of the weddings for our children. May they be a testament to Your love and their commitment. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

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