Wednesday, May 6, 2015

We Have This Hope

Beachy, nautically ... that is the theme of Rob and Ayla's wedding. With Rob's love of boats and growing up near the Atlantic, Ayla's yearly vacations to the seashore and the couple's current location in the "happiest city in America," Sarasota, right on the gulf coast, it is a perfect theme for them. You will find seashells and sunset and water colors throughout the ceremony and reception. And one other symbol that means a lot to our daughter and has for a long time ... the anchor.

Lately the anchor has become a popular fashion item in clothing, jewelry and decor, but Ayla loved it long before it came into style. It stems from her love of this Bible verse in Hebrews 6:19, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul." What hope you ask? Well, you have to go back a few verses to get that info. The writer of Hebrews it telling the believers that God's promise of our eternal destination is sure. No matter what happens on this sea of life, tossing us to and fro via trials and challenges, we know without a doubt by God's grace we will be saved in Jesus Christ. He made it possible for us to enter the Holy of Holies where God dwells, which was once considered only accessible in the temple by a priest. Christ's death tore the thick, long veil that separated the holy inner temple from the cube-shaped location of the ark of the covenant, God's throne. Now we have access to the Father Almighty thanks to our Redeemer. And we have this hope forever. It will not change. As long as our belief remains steadfast in Him, we are anchored securely in our souls.

It's so comforting to know as a parent that our children have this hope. We know they are holding tightly to the Word and clinging to the promises of God. We know their eternal future in Him is set. And we pray they continue to keep their eyes on the One True God. To have that confidence in Christ, that sure foundation, brings a peace than cannot be compared.

We thank our Father in heaven, that our children have found souls to marry that have that same confidence and security. We pray you will always keep that hope as your anchor and glorify the One who holds your future in His hands.

Discussion: What does this hope mean to you? Tell of some storms in your life where God's anchor held you steadfast.

Prayer: "Hope like never before, You came to us!" says the song Set Free. Thank you, Father, for Your Son, Jesus Christ, our hope, our salvation! May we ever keep our eyes on You, our minds in the Word and our hearts fulfilling your plan through compassion in this world. In Jesus' beautiful name. Amen.

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