Saturday, May 16, 2015


Anytime someone who is on Facebook celebrates a birthday, a reminder notification pops up. It's a wonderful opportunity to wish friends far and wide a blessed birthday. A couple days ago - same day as Kayla's birthday - a notification showed up for my friend, Marlene Deatsch. Marlene was a line lady in food service at the University of Iowa. I worked with her for several years and just loved her to pieces. She was a like a mom away from home for me. When the notification popped up, I wished Marlene a Happy Birthday, but she will never see it. Marlene passed away in January 2013. I found out when I was getting ready to wish her a Happy Birthday on her Facebook page that year and noticed her granddaughter's birthday wish with a RIP next to it. I was startled and contacted her granddaughter to get confirmation. It was heartbreaking for me. I loved her very much. The last time I saw her was when she visited me in Tennessee the summer of 1992. I was pregnant with Anton and we spent the afternoon swimming in our apartment complex pool. We had a wonderful visit. She would live 21 more years, but I would never see her again.

I bring this up because I want you four to know the importance of the blessed relationships in your life, even the fleeting ones. You will have many, many people cross your path as singles and as couples. some will love you dearly. Others may not get along with you at all. That last batch, you can pray for and show compassion for, but the first batch ... you must cherish. Our world got smaller with the internet, allowing us to keep in contact with family and friends all over the world, and that is a blessing. But sincerely work on your face-to-face relationships. Our Father did not intend for us to be alone. He designed us to be a piece in His great plan, so in order for us to be effective at our part, He expects us to interact with His children. We love them, uplift them, correct them and tell them about Jesus.

Is there someone you haven't spoken too in awhile that means a lot to you? Write them a letter. Give them a call. Send them an email or text. Plan a visit. Let them know you were thinking about them. Are there people in your life currently that could be dear friends? Make the effort to reach out to them.Those who love you, love them fully. While it seems like you have the whole world ahead of you, our time here on earth is just a blip. So make dear friends and build up those relationships. These people will have your back and you will have theirs. Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times." So be one.

Discussion: Who haven't you heard from in awhile? Who is someone you could send a little sunshine to today? What are ways to make and enrich friendships?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank You for being our greatest friend and setting the example for how we are to love those around us. Nudge us this day to contact the souls we can uplift and encourage. Bless our friendships and let us not take advantage of those who love us. In Jesus, Amen.

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